Teams face chronic collaboration challenges such as messages or meetings that add little value or misaligned daily objectives. Now technological and social evolution has created additional challenges such as remote collaboration and the urgent need for much greater equity and inclusion. Yet, we continue trying to solve them with frameworks from the last century that have proven to be ineffective... Until now.
True Collaboration goes beyond four assumptions created in the last century that have generated huge financial, operational and human costs for decades, and provides a 21st century solution that really gets the job done.
Read the book and join the many teams that are truly taking their human systems to the same level of evolution as technology and social expectations.
A recent McKinsey Study found that "So far in this millennium, many of the technological innovations leaders thought would accelerate productivity have instead barely touched it... Productivity and excellence depend on people.".
Why? It goes back to the very basics... If your teams are there to deliver outcomes, it should be a shock to realize that only 12% of employees are clear on their team objectives for the month, and only 19% are clear on their individual objectives for the week!
InZync has helped hundreds of teams and individuals achieve 100% clarity and alignment of objectives and get rid of busy work that adds little or no value to their success.
Only then can businesses and individuals harness the full value of both technology and human collaboration.
Watch the explainer video about the Inzynch Collaboration 5.0 revolution. Then schedule a meeting and let's talk.